Recently I've been playing a campaign of the 40k ttrpgg, Rogue Trader and I've been enjoying this little exercise of illustrating various events from our games. I've been attempting to create these quickly and efficiently and hopefully develop a really solid illustration workflow.

Our Tech Priest, Pamir the Red, exploring a highly explodable asteroid... but it appears she was not as alone on the desolate rock as expected... Look in the dark distance - is that an ork approaching??

Our head of security, the Arch Militant, Lily faces off against a Drukhari Wytch to save our incapacitated captain aboard an enemy vessel.

The many horrors that our crew endured led them to demand our captain perform penance upon returning to Imperial space. They hoped that this would remove the curse they believed had led us into such troubles... I doubt it will be effective.

Another view of our Lord Captain's penance. The supplicant stands on the stylite surrounded by towering stained glass windows of Imperial Saints and the God Emperor of Mankind...