Seraphina, the ship's Navigator as she explores the ancient and forgotten Blood Angel fort on the lost Planet of Germania...

On their adventures, the crew found themselves on a world long forgotten by the Imperium.... In their explorations, they discovered it was home to a lost Blood Angel fortress, where Seraphina (the ship's noble Navigator) came across a small chapel venerating the Great Angel himself...

The crew of the Null Exception were "asked" by an Inquisitor to investigate the palatial compound of a supposedly heretical Arch-Medicus. Upon arriving on the disturbingly foggy grounds, the Tech Priest found a cogitator embedded in a statue with which to interface - hopefully to gain some information on the layout, however what she found was somewhat less useful much more heretical.....

The seemingly ordinary cogitator actually hid a rather advanced (and super illegal) ancient AI! Our Tech-Priest, not one to shy away from archeotech, happily communed with the ancient machine spirit, who we learned had suffered some major memory and personality issues after having been split up into its component subroutines... And so we added "restoring the ancient AI's personality" to our ever growing to do list for our visit to the heretic's palace...